Henry Winkler, renowned for his role as the Fonz in “Happy Days,” shares a remarkable love story with his wife, Stacey, spanning 44 years. Their journey began in a clothing store where they both worked in public relations. Henry recalls their first encounter: “She was wearing purple parachute pants, and she had red hair, and without her even saying a word, I thought, ‘Woah, beautiful woman standing in front of me.'”
Stacey almost turned down Henry’s invitation for a date but eventually agreed. They moved in together, married in 1978, and faced the challenges of Henry’s growing celebrity, including attention from female fans. They had two children, Zoey and Max, and their son followed in his father’s footsteps in Hollywood.
However, their love was tested when Stacey battled breast cancer in the late 1990s and again in 2007, ultimately overcoming the disease. Henry actively supports breast cancer awareness, and their love has remained strong.
Now grandparents, they cherish their family bonds, and their enduring love and resilience serve as an inspiring example for others. “It does require effort, but if you have the stick-to-itiveness based on love, your relationship only gets better,” Stacey shared.