Meet Anthony Loffredo, also known as “Black Alien,” a Frenchman who has undergone extreme body modifications over the past decade. His fascination with altering the human body began during his teenage years when he was into bodybuilding. He eventually transitioned to a career in body modification and has since transformed himself into what he calls a “lifetime project.”
His astonishing alterations include having his entire body tattooed in black lines, turning his face black with tattoos, splitting his tongue, getting a unique eye tattoo, and undergoing procedures like implanting dermal implants to achieve a reptilian-like appearance. He even had his ears removed and underwent various dermal piercings.
Loffredo’s journey is documented on Instagram as the “Black Alien Project,” where he has a substantial following. His future plans include replacing his skin with metal, altering his limbs, fingers, and skull, and experimenting with tattooing his eyes.
Despite his unusual appearance, he maintains that he has no trouble attracting romantic partners and has the support of his family. However, he faces challenges finding stable employment due to his extensive body modifications.
While some find his transformation fascinating, others question the extent to which body modification should be considered natural. Regardless, Anthony Loffredo’s journey continues to captivate and intrigue people around the world.