Beloved American comedian Freddie Roman, known for his stand-up, acting, and Friars Club leadership, passed away at 85 from a catastrophic heart attack. His daughter, Judi Levin, shared the news, revealing he suffered the attack in his Florida home. His family, including his wife Ethel, stood by him during his final moments.
Roman, a comedic stalwart, led the Friars Club in NYC, leaving a lasting legacy. He co-wrote and starred in “Catskills on Broadway” and performed at prestigious venues nationwide.
A skilled roaster, Roman humorously targeted celebrities in Comedy Central roasts. Some of his timeless quotes include: “Viagra keeps me from rolling out of bed” and “I’m like the Fidel Castro of comedians. I’m president for life.”
In film, Roman appeared in “Welcome to Kutsher’s” and “The Last Laugh.” His TV credits include “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” and “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.” His comedic brilliance will be sorely missed.