In Waterford, Michigan, the heartwarming story of Dan Tillery and his adopted dog, Diggy, took an unexpected turn. A viral photo showcased their infectious joy, but nosy individuals accused Diggy of violating a local dangerous dog ordinance due to his perceived breed as a pit bull terrier.
Despite Diggy’s journey from the streets to 100 days in Detroit Dog Rescue, Dan faced an unforeseen challenge when police, acting on the allegations, demanded Diggy’s removal within three days under the threat of a $500 fine and possible jail time.
Diggy’s charm, evident in affectionate interactions with officers, and Dan’s presentation of adoption papers as an American bulldog didn’t sway the police. Community support surged with 10,000 signing a petition, and Dan gathered evidence from various sources confirming Diggy’s breed.
The case reached court, where the judge swiftly dismissed charges. Dan, ecstatic, shared the news on Facebook, emphasizing the victory for Diggy, reinforcing the profound bond between pets and their owners, and the importance of community backing in the face of unnecessary challenges.