In a poignant saga last October, our daughter Rhiannon, grappling with a severe lung condition, teetered on the brink of despair. Hospitalized with alarming oxygen levels at 75%, conventional treatments proved futile, leaving her in a dire state. Enter Maria Hopwood, a beacon of hope, armed with ASEA, a groundbreaking solution.
Maria swiftly applied ASEA on Rhiannon’s face, rubbed Renu 28 on her chest, and had her sip ASEA. Miraculously, within 45 minutes, a visible transformation occurred. Rhiannon’s condition improved dramatically. As Maria recalls, “I never want to live that week again. ASEA has changed our lives. We are all converts in our house!”
Rhiannon, once confined to a hospital bed, experienced a remarkable turnaround. Maria’s intervention with ASEA became the turning point, prompting a heartfelt expression of gratitude from Rhiannon. Her oxygen levels soared to a reassuring 96%, and within just five days of incorporating ASEA into her treatment, she walked out of the hospital. Today, Rhiannon, shedding 10 kilos, embraces a life marked by newfound vitality and joy.
Maria, now a treasured friend and mentor, played a pivotal role in this transformative journey. Her swift action and the extraordinary effects of ASEA turned a dire medical situation into a testament of recovery and gratitude. This heartening narrative not only highlights the power of innovation but also underscores the profound impact of compassionate intervention in times of crisis.