In a remarkable feat, a group of kids, dubbed the “Tremendous Twelve,” became online heroes by forming a human arrow to guide a police helicopter toward two fleeing burglary suspects. The children, aged six to twelve, were on an Easter egg hunt in Capel, Surrey, when they noticed a police helicopter circling. A nine-year-old girl recalled, ”
It was really noisy, and we could see it said ‘police’ on the bottom.” Spotting a man racing along the field’s edge, the kids attempted to signal the helicopter, but it was pointing in the wrong direction. Two friends suggested forming an arrow on the ground, and after a minute, the helicopter approached, leading to the capture of the suspects, aged 27 and 28. Surrey Police praised the kids’ initiative, with Sergeant Paul Sochon noting, “The initiative they displayed was vital.” The children’s parents expressed pride in their kids’ unexpected adventure, likening it to scenes from Scooby-Doo or Enid Blyton books.