In a poignant tale circulating on social media, 60-year-old Eric Schmitt-Matzen, renowned for embodying Santa Claus in hospitals, faced a heart-wrenching incident. Prompted by a nurse’s call, he rushed to meet a 5-year-old boy with a fervent desire to meet Santa.
In Santa’s attire, Schmitt-Matzen reached the bedside swiftly. The nurse insisted on urgency, stating, “Simply put on your spectacles and suspenders and come straight immediately… There isn’t any more time.”
Seated at the edge of the ailing boy’s bed, Santa asked if he’d miss Christmas. Despite the child’s frailty, a smile emerged. A carefully chosen gift, a PAW Patrol toy, brought joy. In their exchange, Santa assured the child of a special place, saying, “When you get there, you tell them you’re Santa’s number one elf and you’re going in right now.”
Tragically, the child passed away in Santa’s embrace, witnessed by anguished parents. Schmitt-Matzen, deeply affected, questioned whether he could continue playing Santa Claus after this heartrending experience.