Are you frequently waking up between 3 am to 5 am? This time frame, known as the ‘Witching Hour,’ is marked by mysterious phenomena and a significant drop in body temperature, ideal for deep sleep. If you find yourself consistently waking during this period, it may indicate an issue. The Meridian of Lungs, associated with a sense of freedom, is active during this time. Are obstacles blocking your path, causing anxiety?
The Meridian of Large Intestine, responsible for the body’s detox system, is also activated. Waking up during this hour may signal issues like constipation or allergies linked to this meridian. The Element of Metal in Chinese Element System is associated with this meridian, emphasizing the need to release negativity. Recognizing these patterns can offer insights into whether you’re facing external forces or internal struggles. Investigate before moving forward into your day of possibilities and adventures.