In a heartbreaking incident, the family of Sarah Katz is suing Panera Bread, alleging that their Charged Lemonade caused Sarah’s accidental caffeine overdose and subsequent cardiac arrest on September 10, 2022. Sarah, a University of Pennsylvania student, collapsed during a friend’s birthday dinner after consuming a 30-ounce lemonade, part of the SIP Club Membership.
Elizabeth Crawford, the family’s attorney, reveals the lemonade had a shocking 390mg of caffeine, exceeding the FDA’s daily limit. Sarah, who had long QT syndrome type 1, avoided energy drinks, making the lemonade’s high caffeine particularly dangerous.
Crawford stresses Sarah’s health-conscious habits and the only change being the lemonade. After Sarah’s death, her parents discovered a credit card charge for drink subscriptions, prompting questions about Sarah’s awareness.
The lawsuit claims Panera knew the drink’s harm, seeking compensatory damages. The Katz family hopes Sarah’s story raises awareness, emphasizing her commitment to community service. Panera Bread is yet to comment on the allegations, highlighting the importance of transparent product information and hidden dangers in food and beverages.