Renowned actor Adan Canto, known for his role in Fox’s The Cleaning Lady, has passed away at 42 after a private battle with appendiceal cancer. Despite featuring in the first two seasons, health challenges prevented his participation in Season 3 filming, set to begin in December. Plans were in motion for his return later in the season, with the show honoring him through a memorial card in the Season 3 premiere in March, according to Deadline.
“Adan had a depth of spirit that few truly knew. Those who glimpsed it were changed forever,” expressed his representatives. Adan Canto is survived by his wife, Stephanie Ann Canto, and their two children, Roman Alder and Eve Josephine.
Warner Bros. Television and FOX Entertainment expressed deep sorrow, remembering Canto’s impactful career, from his U.S. debut in The Following to his recent powerful performance in The Cleaning Lady. Canto’s career began in Mexico, with notable roles in The Following, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Blood & Oil, and Designated Survivor.