Disturbed, the renowned American alternative metal band, hailing from Chicago, left an indelible mark with their rendition of Simon & Garfunkel’s classic, “Sound of Silence,” featured on their album Immortalized. Originally penned by Paul Simon in 1964, the song initially went unnoticed. However, a remixed version released without Simon & Garfunkel’s knowledge gained radio play in 1965, catapulting it to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart and prompting the duo’s reunion. Disturbed’s cover not only attracted new fans but also earned praise from Paul Simon himself, who called it “wonderful” and shared it on his Facebook page. Frontman David Draiman expressed overwhelming joy at the positive reception, describing it as surreal and a big shock. The band’s performance on Conan received acclaim from fans and critics alike, marking a remarkable chapter in their musical journey.