Actress Rose McGowan, known for her candidness, recently criticized Oprah Winfrey on Twitter, gaining widespread attention. McGowan revealed Oprah’s past association with Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer accused of sexual assault by McGowan. The tweet stirred controversy, particularly among Oprah’s admirers, exposing a side of her not widely known. McGowan, taking charge of a #MeToo documentary after Oprah’s exit, emphasized the need for a comprehensive portrayal of victims’ ordeals.
McGowan’s tweet read: “I’m glad she’s witnessing more of Oprah’s horrible truth. She’s about supporting a corrupt power structure…” In 2013, Oprah starred in a film by Weinstein, claiming ignorance of his predatory actions. McGowan’s involvement in Gavin Newsom’s California recall, reportedly linked to conservative efforts to keep her silent, adds a new layer to the narrative. Amidst the ongoing Weinstein-Oprah saga, McGowan’s outspoken stance underscores the importance of transparency and support for abuse victims, emphasizing that justice should prevail regardless of one’s status.