After over 40 years as the beloved host of Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak dropped a bombshell on June 12, announcing his retirement via Twitter. His departure is set for the end of the upcoming 2023-2024 season, marking the end of his iconic tenure since 1981. Sajak expressed gratitude, stating, “It’s been a wonderful ride.” Fans flooded social media with emotional messages, with one saying, “Thank you for being a national treasure.” Despite the goodbye, Sajak won’t vanish entirely; he’ll take on a new role behind the scenes, serving as a consultant for three years. Sony Pictures Television’s Suzanne Prete acknowledged his exceptional 40-year stint and expressed excitement about celebrating his career in the upcoming season. Pat had hinted at his exit in a September 2022 interview, saying, “The end is near. It’s an honor to have been in people’s living rooms for that long.”