In Nova Scotia, Canada, at Sonwy River Farms, Amy Hill anxiously awaited the birth of lambs from her beloved 10-year-old sheep, Dotty. Despite Dotty’s prior successful births, this time posed a unique challenge. Amy’s fears heightened when she found Dotty unable to move. Suspecting pregnancy toxemia, a potentially dangerous condition, Amy rushed to the vet, obtained medicine, and administered it to Dotty. Days passed with no improvement, and the situation seemed dire. Amy contemplated the possibility of putting Dotty down. However, a miraculous turn of events unfolded. As Amy approached, she discovered not one but four healthy lambs by Dotty’s side. Overwhelmed with relief and joy, Amy realized this marked Dotty’s retirement from pregnancy. The farm, dedicated to humane and ecological practices, celebrates Dotty’s miraculous delivery and her well-earned peaceful life.