On “The Carol Burnett Show,” a classic sketch featured Carol Burnett and Tim Conway at their wedding destination in Mexico after ten years. In the same room, they question its quality.
At bedtime, Carol’s character, Tune, panics. Tim, playing Henry, teases about imaginary threats, like a prank about a “monster” near her feet.
The sketch takes a twist with Tune mistaking antiperspirant for a monster. Henry’s playful actions lead to laughter, with Tune believing the glass smashes and lights turn on, transmitting resentment.
Tune locks Henry out in jest, claiming something on his neck. Upon reentry, a massive lizard on Henry’s back prompts audience laughter. The sketch captivates with hilarious antics.
The climax unfolds as Tune dramatically faints at the sight of the lizard. The entire sketch, from start to finish, delivers continuous laughter, showcasing the comedic brilliance of The Carol Burnett Show.