Kevin Bacon, a renowned 65-year-old actor, transitioned from film to TV with reluctance, but his wife Kyra Sedgwick changed his mind. Despite initial doubts, Bacon enjoyed their collaboration on the show, admitting, “When I started to see her film work… and it’s like barely recognizable, and to me, that was what I had always envisioned being an actor was, to be able to put on these different hats and become different people.”
In 1976, Bacon moved to New York with $150, residing in a budget-friendly artists’ apartment. Despite the tough start, Bacon’s career flourished. He met Sedgwick in 1987 on a film set, and their love story began, with Sedgwick eventually won over by Bacon’s persistence and humor. They raised two children, emphasizing honesty and humor. Today, they reside on a farm, celebrating Bacon’s journey from modest beginnings to Hollywood success. Sedgwick notes, “A sense of humor is crucial. He is very freaking funny.”