A Chinese friend taught me this technique years ago, and I’ve felt so much better since!

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**Boosting Liver Function and Detoxification**

Stimulating the LV 3 point, located between the first and second toes, can enhance liver function and aid detoxification. Reflexology suggests this point is directly connected to the liver, and “regular massage…can promote better liver health,” supporting the organ’s role in filtering toxins from the blood.

**Improved Digestion and Metabolism**

Pressing the LV 3 point may also enhance digestion and metabolism. Traditional Chinese medicine links the liver to the smooth flow of Qi and blood, which is essential for digestion. Massaging this point can “regulate digestive functions,” potentially relieving bloating and constipation while supporting a healthy weight.

**Stress Relief and Emotional Balance**

The liver meridian is associated with emotions like stress and anger. Regularly pressing the LV 3 point “can help release tension,” promoting relaxation and emotional well-being by triggering endorphin release.

**Better Circulation and Reduced Inflammation**

Massaging the LV 3 point may also improve circulation and reduce inflammation. This can alleviate issues like cold extremities and muscle cramps while supporting the body’s natural healing processes, particularly in conditions like arthritis.

**Hormonal Balance and Immune Support**

For women, stimulating the LV 3 point may help regulate hormones and menstrual health. This point may also “boost the immune system” by supporting liver function, helping the body ward off illnesses more effectively.

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