Luna Tavares-Fenner, a cheerful two-year-old from Florida, was born with a rare skin condition called congenital melanocytic nevus, which caused a large black “Batman mask” birthmark on her face. Her mother, Carol Fenner, was shocked at birth, saying, “I’m used to it now, but then I was just shocked.” Initially undetected in ultrasounds, doctors identified the mark four days after Luna’s birth and warned of a high risk of skin cancer.
Determined to help her daughter, Carol sought treatment across the U.S. but faced steep costs and limited options. A breakthrough came when Dr. Pavel Borisovich Popov, a Russian oncologist, offered a specialized photodynamic therapy not available in the U.S. Funded by a $70,000 fundraiser, Carol and Luna began traveling to Russia for treatments. “Everyone thinks I’m insane for traveling to Russia,” Carol admitted, “but this is Luna’s best course of action.”
Six surgeries later, Luna’s birthmark is gone, and her risk of cancer has significantly decreased. Luna joyfully says, “My black spot has disappeared. I am a princess.” Future aesthetic surgeries will ensure her confidence as she grows.
Recent photos show Luna smiling brightly, reflecting her strength and the success of her treatments. Now resting and celebrating with family in Brazil, Luna continues to inspire hope and gratitude.