Michael Jackson lived under relentless media scrutiny, surrounded by rumors about his personal life. His 2009 death deeply affected his sister Janet Jackson, who shared a close bond with him. Now, 15 years later, Janet has revealed startling insights into his life and passing.
The Jackson family, led by their father Joe Jackson, began their musical journey early, with Joe enforcing strict discipline. Michael later regretted his lost childhood, lamenting the pressures of growing up too fast.
Janet revealed Michael often teased her about her weight, calling her “pig” and “cow,” which hurt despite their laughter. Their relationship shifted after his Thriller success in 1982. By 1995, during their “Scream” collaboration, they had grown apart, a painful reminder of their changing bond.
Michael’s death from a propofol overdose left Janet devastated. Initially suppressing her emotions, she now confronts her grief, admitting, “I think about Michael every day.”
Michael reportedly used propofol for sleep despite its dangers. Janet and others suspect foul play, with his daughter Paris Jackson suggesting his death was a setup. The family continues to seek answers.
Janet’s revelations expose the pressures, challenges, and unresolved mysteries that defined their lives, offering a glimpse into the family’s pain and resilience.