Megan and Morgan, known as the “Trueblue Twins,” became internet sensations after a Camden musician shared their photo on Instagram. These child models stand out with their striking blue eyes—Megan has two blue eyes, while Morgan has one blue and one brown due to heterochromia, a harmless condition. Their unique eye color runs in the family, passed down from their mother, grandfather, and uncle.
Born on June 6, 2011, their mother saw their potential from the start. She dresses them in matching outfits and manages their budding modeling careers. The twins are popular on social media, have worked with major brands, and even walked in a Jacksonville fashion show. Celebrities like Ray Ray, Wendy Williams, and Yandy Smith have noticed them.
Despite their growing fame, their parents prioritize a balanced childhood. Their mom avoids branded clothes and fast-paced commitments, allowing them to enjoy being kids. “If they choose modeling, the fashion world will welcome them,” she says.
Their father, Lovell Knight, is cautious about the attention they receive. “Popularity can affect a person,” he admits, emphasizing the importance of protecting their childhood. The family’s approach ensures Megan and Morgan remain grounded while exploring opportunities in the fashion industry.