Magnesium is essential for over 300 bodily functions, including muscle and nerve support, blood sugar regulation, and healthy blood pressure. Despite its importance, magnesium deficiency is common, often overlooked, and linked to fatigue, anxiety, and muscle cramps. Here’s why it’s widespread and how to address it.
Modern Diets Lack Magnesium
Processed foods dominate today’s diet, stripping away nutrients. White flour has lost 80% of its magnesium since the 1940s, and similar declines are seen in vegetables and rice. Even if you’re eating plenty, you might not get enough magnesium.
Dairy’s Hidden Impact
While rich in calcium and phosphorus, excessive dairy can increase your magnesium needs. Balancing these minerals is crucial, as a dairy-heavy diet may deplete magnesium levels.
Aluminum Interference
Aluminum, found in cookware, deodorants, and medications, hinders magnesium absorption—up to fivefold. This makes it harder for your body to retain magnesium, even with a nutritious diet.
Low Magnesium Intake
Magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are often absent from the typical diet, leaving many deficient without realizing it.
Addressing this deficiency requires prioritizing whole, nutrient-dense foods and minimizing processed options to reclaim your health. As the article notes, “It’s incredible how lacking just one nutrient can significantly impact your overall health.”