Dalyce Curry, 95, affectionately known as “Momma D,” tragically died in the Eaton Fire that devastated her property in Altadena, north of Los Angeles. Her family confirmed the heartbreaking news on social media after California first responders uncovered her remains Sunday evening. Curry, a former actress who appeared as an extra in The Blues Brothers and The Ten Commandments, was remembered fondly by her family.
Her great-granddaughter and caregiver, Dalyce Kelley, shared the painful discovery. “About an hour ago the coroner confirmed her remains were found at the property,” Kelley wrote on Facebook. Earlier, she posted videos of the fire-damaged home, identifying remnants like Curry’s bicycle and refrigerator amid the destruction.
Kelley last saw Curry when she dropped her off at home after a hospital visit. Hours later, the Eaton Fire erupted, escalating into a deadly blaze. Kelley, alerted by a power outage notification, rushed back to find the property completely destroyed. Police advised her to check local shelters, but days of searching yielded no news.
On Friday, escorted by a National Guardsman, Kelley revisited the site, describing it as “total devastation.” Only Curry’s blue Cadillac remained intact. The Eaton Fire is part of ongoing wildfires, with 24 confirmed dead, 16 missing, and 150,000 residents displaced as dangerous weather fuels the crisis.