Jessica Alves, formerly Rodrigo Alves, gained global attention by undergoing over 100 plastic surgeries, transforming from a “human Ken doll” into a “human Barbie.” Born in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on July 30, 1983, Jessica expressed her femininity early, playing with dolls and wearing her mother’s clothes. However, she struggled with her appearance, recalling, “I hated my looks as a teenager.”
Jessica’s journey toward self-discovery and transformation began in 2004 when she moved to London for studies and underwent her first cosmetic procedure. “I was never completely satisfied after an operation, and I still am not,” she admitted. Over two decades, she spent more than half a million dollars on surgeries, including nose jobs, Botox, fillers, rib removal, and a “cat-eye” lift.
In 2020, Jessica publicly came out as transgender, saying, “I’m known as Ken, but inside I’ve always felt like Barbie.” Hormone therapy gave her feminine hips, and she adopted the name Jessica. “For years, I tried to live as a man… but I was lying to myself. Now my body matches my mind.”
Jessica’s surgeries weren’t without complications. In 2016, she suffered necrosis after a rhinoplasty, requiring emergency care. Despite the risks, her quest continues, with Jessica embracing her identity and reshaping societal perceptions. “Regardless of what others may say, never forget that you are attractive and capable of great things.”