Lauren Sánchez, fiancée of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, faced criticism for her attire at President Donald Trump’s inauguration. She wore a white blazer and trousers with a lacy corset underneath, which many deemed inappropriate for the formal event. Social media users commented on her outfit, with one stating, “Lauren Sánchez is wearing a corset bra under her jacket. Wild outfit for the Trump inauguration.” 
During the ceremony, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was seen glancing at Sánchez’s chest, a moment that quickly went viral. Videos posted on social media show Zuckerberg glancing at Sánchez’s chest during President Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday. 
The incident sparked discussions online, with some defending Sánchez’s fashion choice and others questioning its appropriateness for the occasion. Despite the controversy, both Sánchez and Zuckerberg have not publicly commented on the matter.