A tragic school shooting at Antioch High School in Nashville on January 22, 2025, claimed the life of 16-year-old Josselin Corea Escalante, leaving the community heartbroken. Josselin, a soccer player and good student, was shot in the cafeteria alongside two others. Her father, devastated, said, “Every day I told her how much I loved her.” Her aunt described her as “calm, well-behaved, and loving.”
The 17-year-old shooter, Solomon Henderson, died by suicide at the scene. Police are investigating his motives but suspect the victims were randomly targeted. Chief John Drake extended condolences, stating officers would support the community during this time.
Antioch High held a vigil for Josselin, and the school is reviewing safety measures. Dr. Adrienne Battle, the district’s director, assured efforts to provide counseling and prevent future tragedies, emphasizing schools must remain places of learning and growth.