The internet offers endless knowledge, making it one of the greatest inventions in centuries. With just a few clicks, mysteries that once remained unsolved can now be easily resolved. “If you know where to seek, you can find information on any issue.”
For example, the internet has debunked myths, like the cause of bleach-like stains on underwear. Contrary to some beliefs, these spots are not linked to poor hygiene or external factors. Instead, they result from the vagina’s natural acidity, with a pH level of 3.8 to 5.0, which is “rather acidic compared to the normally neutral pH level of 7.”
Dr. Vanessa MacKay explains, “The vagina has a natural secretory system…protected by the good bacteria it contains.” This acidity, part of a healthy system, may lighten fabric, showing it’s time to dismiss the myth and recognize it as a sign of good health.