Megan and Morgan Boyd, known as the Trueblue Twins, became internet sensations as toddlers due to their striking blue eyes. Born on June 6, 2011, in Philadelphia, the twins caught public attention when their mother, Stephanie Boyd, shared photos of them online in 2015. Megan has two blue eyes, while Morgan has heterochromia, with one blue eye and one dark brown. These features, inherited from their family, fascinated people globally.
Their rise to fame began when tattoo artist Deyonte Hunter reposted their photos, drawing admiration from celebrities like D.L. Hughley. Stephanie continues to manage their social media accounts, showcasing their fashion and modeling endeavors, gaining millions of followers across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
Now 13, the twins remain active online, inspiring fans with their unique charm and lifestyle content. Despite Morgan’s condition being linked to medical syndromes, it is not life-threatening, allowing the twins to thrive.