Tessa Evans, born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, has a rare condition called Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome, affecting nose, eye, and brain development. Her case, one of only about 100 globally, has touched hearts and advanced medical innovation. “It’s astonishing to learn what bodies can overcome and how they adapt to certain abnormalities.”
Tessa underwent a tracheostomy at two weeks old and, by age two, received a groundbreaking cosmetic nasal implant. Using 3D printing and medical tattooing, future procedures aim to enhance her appearance while minimizing surgeries.
Her condition also brings challenges. Without a sense of smell, Tessa relies on her parents for safety from dangers like fires or spoiled food. Despite this, her courage has inspired others, with another UK child undergoing similar treatments.
Through their Facebook page, “Tessa; Born Extraordinary,” her family shares updates, showing how love and determination drive change and hope.