A viral Reddit photo has left viewers unnerved after spotting a mysterious “seventh face” in a selfie of six friends hiking in Chile. Shared on the r/whenyouseeit thread, the image initially appears to show a happy group enjoying nature. However, a chilling detail emerges: a face is visible between two women on the left.
One user confessed, “When I finally saw it, I got goosebumps and felt genuine fear. Wtf. I believe in ghosts again now.” Another admitted, “I was looking at the red thing… then BOOM, I saw it. Runs to hide under the covers.”
While some speculated it was a trick of shadows, others remained spooked. “It gave me chills,” someone wrote. “It’s very clearly something that doesn’t belong there.”
The eerie photo, surrounded by lush greenery, has captivated and unsettled viewers, leaving them questioning whether it’s a simple illusion—or something more.