Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that “affects millions of people in the world.” Though not contagious, recognizing its signs early is key to managing it.
There are different types of psoriasis, each with distinct symptoms. The most common is Plaque Psoriasis, which appears as “red patches of skin covered with silvery scales.” Guttate Psoriasis causes “small, drop-shaped spots,” often after infections like strep throat. Pustular Psoriasis involves “red, inflamed skin topped with pus-filled blisters.” Inverse Psoriasis affects “moist areas like skin folds,” and Erythrodermic Psoriasis is a severe form causing “widespread redness, peeling, and a burning sensation”âa medical emergency.
Psoriasis stems from an immune system malfunction where T-cells attack healthy skin. Genetics and triggers like “excessive alcohol consumption,” infections, and certain medications (beta-blockers, lithium) can worsen it.
Diagnosis usually involves a physical exam, but a “skin biopsy might be necessary” in some cases. While thereâs no cure, treatments can help manage symptoms. Options include “topical treatments like corticosteroids,” phototherapy, and systemic medications for severe cases.If you have “persistent skin issues like red patches, scaling, or unusual rashes,” see a doctor. Early treatment can prevent complications and “significantly enhance your quality of life.”