Have you ever noticed red dots on your skin and wondered why? These spots can range from harmless to signs of something more serious. Here are five common reasons they might appear.
1. Contact Dermatitis
Exposure to irritants or allergens can cause “an itchy rash with bumps, swelling, and flaky skin.” Avoiding triggers helps manage it.
2. Cherry Angiomas
These are “round, red or purple spots” from enlarged blood vessels, common after age 30. They’re harmless but can be removed if they bleed.
3. Heat Rash (Miliaria)
When sweat glands get blocked, you may develop “small, red, prickly bumps,” especially in areas like your armpits or chest.
4. Ringworm (Tinea Corporis)
This contagious fungal infection shows as “red, circular rashes with raised edges (like a ring!).” Antifungal treatments usually clear it up.
5. Psoriasis
An autoimmune disorder that creates “red dots on your skin as well as plaques,” often triggered by stress or infections.
Bottom line: While many red spots are harmless, some need medical attention. “Your skin is a reflection of your overall health,” so stay alert for changes.