It’s truly shocking how cruel some people can be to dogs. In 2021, a dog named Buddy, described as “a happy and carefree dog,” was found severely burned with an extension cord around his neck. “He wasn’t a threat to anyone. It was extremely cruel and calculated,” wrote the Tunica Humane Society.
A child later confessed to setting Buddy on fire. Due to his age, he couldn’t be prosecuted. Buddy was taken in by the Tunica Humane Society and treated by Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “Buddy’s vital signs are good but… this is very much the bottom of a tall mountain to be climbed,” said Dr. Elizabeth Swanson.
Despite his injuries, Buddy’s spirit stayed strong. “He continues to move forward daily,” the Humane Society shared. His doctors were pleased with his skin grafts and slow but steady healing.
Months later, Buddy experienced a major breakthrough. For the first time in over three months, his bandages came off, and “YES, Buddy can still see.” His personality blossomed. “He is happy and playful and walking the halls… with a great big ball in his mouth,” said Sandy Williams.
Buddy still requires special care, but his recovery is truly miraculous.