In a heartwarming tale, a baby girl, Maddy Rybkin, suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), received a life-saving kidney transplant from her father, Paul. Maddy’s parents had tragically lost their first child to PKD just 36 hours after birth. Maddy was born with abnormally enlarged kidneys, facing a perilous struggle with sleepless nights and daily vomiting. Despite the risk of future children inheriting PKD, the family remained determined to expand. Maddy’s mother, Karen, said, “When I fell pregnant again, we were both over the moon.
Then, at our 20-week scan, they found Maddy’s kidneys were enlarged – a sure sign of PKD.” Maddy’s condition was closely monitored, and she was born prematurely, requiring a lengthy hospital stay. For the first year-and-a-half, Maddy seemed fine, but her kidneys suddenly failed, necessitating an urgent transplant. Her father, Paul, selflessly donated his kidney. Both surgeries were successful, and Maddy made a remarkable recovery. Her family’s resilience and love serve as a testament to the power of parental dedication and hope. Maddy’s story reminds us of the extraordinary lengths parents will go to protect their children.