Georgie Swallow, a London-based content producer, is raising awareness about Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer affecting the lymphatic system. Diagnosed at just 28, Georgie initially ignored symptoms like a neck lump, itchy legs, night sweats, and constant fatigue, believing they were due to stress. “I thought visiting a doctor was wasting everyone’s time,” she admitted, noting her naivety in dismissing serious concerns.
Her symptoms persisted despite lifestyle changes and treatments for suspected allergies or stress. “I would itch until I broke the skin, stay up all night, and no cream or lifestyle change would help,” she shared. Alongside weight loss and frequent colds, these signs led to a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Georgie warns these symptoms can be mild and easy to overlook, delaying detection.
The treatment brought early menopause, profoundly affecting her mental health. “Cancer can take a lot away, but losing my fertility before having children was difficult,” Georgie said. At 28, she struggled to find peers who could relate. “None of my friends understood what I was going through.”
Now 32, Georgie bravely shares her journey to stress the importance of early medical attention and highlight the emotional toll of early menopause. “It’s hard to comfort someone about something you don’t understand,” she concluded, urging awareness and empathy.