Chuck Woolery, beloved host of Wheel of Fortune and a trailblazer in game shows, passed away at 83 after a prolonged illness. Known for his quick wit and warm personality, Woolery became a cherished figure in television, entertaining millions over a remarkable career.
Born on March 16, 1941, in Ashland, Kentucky, Woolery initially pursued a music career. His band, The Avant-Garde, gained fame with the 1968 hit “Naturally Stoned.” Later, he explored country music, releasing several songs that showcased his talent.
Woolery’s transition to television began in 1975 as the first host of Wheel of Fortune. His charm and humor set the tone for the show’s success. Despite leaving in 1981 due to a salary dispute, his time on the show cemented his place in TV history.
He continued to host other popular programs like Love Connection (1983–1994), Scrabble (1984–1990), and Lingo (2002–2007), captivating audiences with his humor and innovative approach. Woolery’s versatility extended beyond hosting to acting and appearances on variety shows.
A devoted husband and father, Woolery is survived by his wife, Kim, and their four children. His passing marks the end of an era for game show fans, but his legacy of laughter and groundbreaking entertainment will endure. As his longtime friend Mark Young noted, “Chuck Woolery was ahead of his time.”