Randall “Randy” Miod, a beloved Malibu surfer, was cherished for his vibrant spirit and love for his community. His mother, Carol Smith, recalled their final conversations, including his plea to “pray for Palisades and Malibu” during the January 7 fire. Despite her urging, Miod stayed to protect his prized home, which he cherished deeply. Tragically, he succumbed to smoke inhalation and heat on January 8.
Miod’s love for Malibu began in his youth, skipping school to surf, and later blossomed into a lifestyle as he settled into his dream home. Known for his open-door hospitality, friends called him “The Crab Shack” and “The Malibu Man of Mystery.” His home, built in 1924, was a sanctuary for surfers and a hub of positivity.
Beyond surfing, Miod pursued photography, working on notable projects, including one for Pamela Anderson. Despite challenges in recent years—job loss, surgery, and the loss of his cat—he remained committed to his Malibu life.
His friends and mother admired his generosity and unpretentious nature. “He loved life and people,” Smith said. Miod’s legacy endures as a local legend, with his photo set to be honored at Duke’s restaurant. His death is one of 24 fatalities in the California wildfires, a reminder of his courage and love for his home and community.