In a heartbreaking incident at Nutter Fort Primary School, a video went viral showing a teacher snatching the microphone from Caleb, a first-grader with autism, during his Thanksgiving play. The 17-second clip, shared by Caleb’s parents, depicts the distressing moment when the teacher’s action made the young boy burst into tears. Caleb’s father, Kent, expressed disappointment, saying, “Watch it and see what a teacher of kids does to him.”
The incident raised concerns about the treatment of children with autism and educator awareness. Another video shared by Caleb’s mother revealed events leading up to and following the controversial incident. Outraged parents and community members called for accountability and swift action against the teacher, with one mother stating, “It isn’t ok at all.”
Superintendent Mark Manchin responded, confirming a thorough investigation by the Board of Education. While finding the video concerning, he believed there was no malice. The controversy sparked a broader conversation about inclusivity and the importance of understanding and accommodating children with special needs in educational settings. Fox News will continue to follow the investigation.