“Pretty Woman,” the ’90s blockbuster, unfolds a surprising love story between Edward and Vivian, grossing $463 million. Behind the scenes, Richard Gere’s improvised necklace scene and the use of a body double for Julia Roberts added unexpected twists. Director Gary Marshall’s cameo and Gere’s real piano skills provided unique moments. The film’s real hotel setting and the ironic opera choice added authenticity. Despite controversies, it’s the third highest-grossing romantic comedy in the U.S. Awards followed, with Julia Roberts winning an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. Touchstone Pictures’ involvement makes it a Disney film. A small continuity error, Vivian’s apartment at the Las Palmas Hotel, and Kathy Marshall’s role as a hotel clerk offer additional insights. Despite a $14 million budget, “Pretty Woman” grossed over $178 million, solidifying its status as a highly profitable and enduring romantic classic.