Urban explorers Jeremy Abbott and BigBankz stumbled upon a massive 30,000-square-foot estate filled with luxury, left deserted. Abbott shared, “The man who built this mansion was very accomplished…a father-of-four, and even a recreational pilot.” The 10-bedroom, 11-bathroom mansion, allegedly haunted, became a haunting symbol of tragedy. The father and son died in a plane crash while the house was under construction, leaving the family in financial distress.
The YouTubers claim the family, unable to pay off the $8 million debt on the mansion, faced eviction. Abbott disclosed the property’s foreign owner stopped paying taxes in 2015. The mansion, boasting high-end furnishings, a mahogany library, an elevator, and luxury cars, revealed an oddity. Abbott found designer clothes, Dior shoes, and jewelry left behind, pondering why they weren’t taken when the family left.
Abbott expressed mixed emotions, shifting from excitement to sadness during their 11-hour exploration, emphasizing the immense waste of resources reflected in the abandoned mansion. He concluded, “People respond in absolute amazement and, at the same time, sadness for the family and the home consumed by nature.”