Two siblings, Brooke and Adrian Gilley, aged eleven and twelve, who disappeared from their Missouri home in March 2022, were recently located in Florida with their biological mother, Kristi Nicole Gilley, 36. Initially suspected of abduction, it was confirmed that Gilley lacked custody rights when they vanished. High Springs Police discovered them at a Florida Winn-Dixie store, 1,100 miles from their home, all wearing disguises.
Authorities, using a routine vehicle tag check, traced Gilley and arrested her at a grocery store near Gainesville. The disguised trio was identified, and the kids, now in the Florida Department of Children and Families Services, await reunion with their birth family.
Contrary to earlier beliefs of hiding in California, the children were found in Florida. Gilley faces extradition to Missouri, charged with parental kidnapping. The Liberty Police Department expressed gratitude for community support, stating, “Both Gilley kids have been safely located out of state.”
In reader comments, one empathized with Gilley, suggesting a desperate act due to familial challenges.