James and Mandy Fiser, excited about their new dream home in Pittsburgh, were shocked when they discovered a mysterious floor hatch in the kitchen, initially missed during the realtor’s tour. The intrigue deepened as the couple found a key in an unexpected place – inside a vent in their home office.
Opening the hidden door behind an antique cupboard revealed a basement filled with vintage furniture and framed pictures. Further exploration uncovered a locked hatch containing old recipes and original blueprints dating back to 1887.As the Fisers delved into their home’s history, they discovered a darker past with strange jars, preserved foods, and animal carcasses. Even their dog, Scout, sensed something amiss, barking at a hidden vent not in the updated blueprints.
Disturbed, the couple sought professional help. The maintenance team unveiled a shocking scene – jars with putrid liquids, animal carcasses, and bones. This, they explained, was connected to a local healing tradition called “powwow,” practiced by the previous occupant. Despite the cultural context, the Fisers decided to remove the unsettling artifacts, creating a more comfortable living environment. Relieved to understand the source of the strange occurrences, the couple looks forward to building their lives in a home free from the haunting secrets of the past.