In an unfortunate incident on Unruh Avenue, a 32-year-old FedEx driver was attacked during a delivery. Philadelphia Police Captain Jason Smith revealed that an armed robber stole the driver’s wallet and keys, shooting him in the process. The driver defended himself, fatally injuring 27-year-old Jevan Lundy, who was later found unresponsive on Creston Street. Lundy was suspected to have been transported in a vehicle, leading to the questioning of a second man found with him.
The victim, wounded in the stomach, managed to drive to an Acme parking lot on Oxford Avenue. Acting Police Commissioner Christine Coulter indicated that the driver’s actions seemed to be self-defense. A resident, Margie Helverson, described the driver as a “nice guy.” The police recovered the driver’s legally registered handgun, emphasizing the preliminary belief in self-defense. FedEx declined to comment on its policy regarding armed drivers, emphasizing cooperation with the investigation.