Teens, known as “Tremendous Twelve,” achieved online fame by creating a human arrow to guide a police helicopter toward burglary suspects. The kids, aged 6 to 12, spoke about their experience for the first time, expressing pride. During an Easter egg hunt in Surrey, they noticed a circling police helicopter and a man fleeing. Attempting to signal the pilot, they formed a human arrow on the ground. A 9-year-old girl explained, “They said they thought we were playing around at first, but they followed our arrow and caught the men.” The pilot alerted authorities, leading to the arrest of the 27 and 28-year-old suspects tied to a nearby farm burglary. Surrey Police praised the children’s initiative, emphasizing its importance. The online response likened the event to scenes from Scooby-Doo or Enid Blyton books, adding to the kids’ joy.