Legendary comic Red Skelton showcased his timeless humor on ‘The Tonight Show’ in 1983, bantering with Johnny Carson. The conversation kicked off with a lighthearted exchange about Red’s height, prompting him to jest about age-related shrinkage. Undeterred by age, Red humorously shared his morning routine, checking if he could see and smell before getting up, punctuated with a quip about reading Playboy to jumpstart his heart. The banter extended to Red’s inventive middle name, Bernard, conjured up in response to a teacher’s inquiry. Hilariously, Red touched on his wife’s cooking, eliciting uproarious laughter from the audience. Johnny marveled at Red’s quick wit and comedic prowess, making the ‘Tonight Show’ episode a laughter-filled testament to Red Skelton’s enduring talent. Enjoy the comedic brilliance and share the joy on Facebook.