Richard Sandrak, known as the “Little Hercules,” gained fame for his incredible strength as a child. At just 8 years old, he could bench press over 30 pounds, and by the age of 11, he could lift 53 pounds. His family moved to California to support his development, with his father, a former martial arts champion, overseeing his workouts. However, his father faced allegations of physical abuse and excessive demands.
At the age of 11, Richard took a bold step and called the police when his father was abusing his mother, resulting in a domestic abuse charge. After this incident, Richard distanced himself from his father, and his rigorous training gradually lessened. Today, at 24, he reflects on his past achievements and no longer pursues an intense workout regimen.
Richard has embraced new interests like skating and running. He also works as a stuntman, performing daring acts, including being set on fire and diving from great heights into the ocean. When asked about his future aspirations, Richard now envisions a career in quantum physics or engineering at NASA.