Acne often results from simple lifestyle factors that can be addressed immediately. It’s essential to identify triggers and take steps to prevent future breakouts. Here’s a concise guide to common acne areas and how to manage them.
1. Around the Mouth:
Irritation from frequent touching, cell phones, or items like helmet straps can lead to breakouts. Cosmetics, hormones, and genetics also play a role. To prevent this, “make cleaning your skin with a gentle or mild cleanser twice a day a routine.” Use non-comedogenic, oil-free products and avoid touching your face.
2. On the Nose:
Larger pores and oily skin make the nose prone to acne. Poor hygiene, stress, diet, and some medications can trigger it. Cleanse thoroughly and consider treatments like Tea Tree Oil or sulfur-based products. Severe cases should be seen by a dermatologist.
3. On the Forehead:
Forehead acne often stems from excess oil, sometimes due to oily hair or hair products containing coconut oil or cocoa butter. “Avoid any oily hair products and just wash your hair more often” to reduce breakouts.
4. Jaw and Neck:
Hormonal fluctuations, phone bacteria, and dirty pillowcases contribute to acne in this area. Simple fixes like wiping down your phone, changing bedding weekly, and washing hands regularly can help. Use non-comedogenic products and sunscreen for additional prevention.
5. On the Cheeks:
Cheek acne is similar to jaw acne and often linked to lifestyle habits. Keep your environment clean to minimize breakouts.
For persistent acne, consult a dermatologist.