Veteran Larry Robeson, facing financial hardship, encountered the Fox 5 Surprise Squad at a Las Vegas grocery store where they were covering people’s groceries. Larry was with his friend Stephanie, a disabled veteran struggling with her last $50. The Squad offered to pay for her groceries, and Stephanie was elated.
Larry, a Vietnam veteran, had founded the Bones for Blankets club years ago, dedicated to providing blankets for homeless veterans. He initiated the club after three veterans died from exposure. He supported Stephanie, as her husband was often away due to his trucking job.
Dave Hall, the Surprise Squad reporter, noticed Larry standing behind Stephanie. He insisted on covering Larry’s groceries as a token of gratitude for his service. Larry, who had planned to buy dish soap and candy, was deeply moved when his $278 bill was paid. Overwhelmed, he tearfully expressed, “I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 13.”
In times of need, veterans like Larry deserve support and recognition for their selfless service.