In a devastating incident, newlyweds Jessiah Plemons and Lily Rose, married for less than 48 hours, lost their lives along with friend Madison Davis in a tragic accident on a Tennessee highway. The fatal crash occurred around 3 a.m. on Sunday as their Dodge pickup truck veered off the Weisgarber exit ramp on Interstate 40, colliding with a guardrail. A subsequent collision with a Chevy pickup, after the trio exited their vehicle, led to the immediate loss of all three lives.
Describing the vibrant personalities of Jessiah and Lily, family members share fond memories. Lily’s aunt, Selena McClelland, remembers her as the “life of our family” and a source of joy. Jessiah, passionate about music, not only shared musical interests with Lily but also helped others battling addiction, showcasing his caring nature.
The couple’s elopement was a surprise to their families. Despite battling addiction, Jessiah had turned his life around, becoming a pillar of support for others. Lily, a devoted mother, was planning to blend their families of six. The tragedy has left the community mourning the loss of these young lives filled with hope and dreams for the future.