In a surprising turn of events, Missouri siblings Brooke and Adrian Gilley, aged eleven and twelve, were missing for eleven months until recently discovered in Florida. The children were suspected to be abducted by their biological mother, Kristi Nicole Gilley, who lacked custody rights. Police located them 1,100 miles from their Missouri home, shopping in disguises at a Florida store. The High Springs Police department arrested Gilley, confirming her fugitive status.
The siblings are now in the care of the Florida Department of Children and Families Services, awaiting reunification with their birth family. Initial beliefs placed them in hiding in California, but they were found in Florida. Gilley remains in custody, awaiting extradition to Missouri for parental kidnapping charges.
The Liberty Police Department expressed relief, stating, “Both Gilley kids have been safely located out of state.” Meanwhile, a reader empathized, “Heartbreaking that a mother has to do this to be with her kids,” highlighting the complex emotions involved.