Iconic rocker Ozzy Osbourne, the “Prince of Darkness,” has declared his retirement from live performances, citing health challenges stemming from a severe spinal injury four years ago. The 74-year-old, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, expressed regret over canceling his European tour scheduled for 2021-2022, revealing his inability to recover from the spinal injury despite multiple treatments.
“One of the hardest things,” Ozzy stated, “my body is too weak to regain singing ability.” His farewell performance at Ozzfest in 2018 marked the end of the “No More Tours II.” Ozzy, grappling with a range of ailments, thanked fans for their patience.
Reflecting on his health struggles, Ozzy disclosed undergoing two spinal surgeries in 2017, stemming from a 2003 ATV accident. Despite excruciating pain and limited mobility, his perseverance allowed him to perform at the Commonwealth Games in 2018.
Ozzy’s message emphasizes health prioritization and proactive medical attention. His retirement, while marking the end of a rock era, leaves an enduring legacy. Though absent from the stage, the “Prince of Darkness” remains immortal through his music.